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PowerHouse Energy: Solar Energy Systems

Learn about our best-in-class solar energy systems

Durable solar panels

Latest solar tech

Affordable payments that help you save on your electric bill

Purple Podiums

PowerHouse Energy

  • All black monocrystalline panels, offering high power output

  • Responsive inverters, rated for high output panels

  • Ironridge Racking, offering durability and reliability

  • Wi-Fi-Enabled for PowerHouse Home Monitoring App

  • Q.ANTAM NEO Technology, all black
    panels offering supercharged power
    using less space

  • Intelligent IQ8M microinverters, rated for high output panels

  • Aire Racking flush mount system, provides panels with a levitating aesthetic

  • Wi-Fi-Enabled for PowerHouse Home Monitoring App

  • Supports PowerHouse Charging & Storage

  • Our most power-dense all black panels, a massive leap in performance

  • Intelligent IQ8M microinverters, rated for high output panels

  • Aire Racking flush mount system, provides panels with a levitating aesthetic

  • Wi-Fi-Enabled for PowerHouse Home Monitoring App

  • Supports PowerHouse Charging & Storage

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