A recent study by the U.S. government finds that solar power could account for as much as 40 percent of the country’s electricity supply by 2035, and 45 percent by 2050. In the process, the solar energy business may employ an estimated 1.5 million people and ultimately lower the costs of electricity for everyone. The climate and people’s health will also benefit because of reduced carbon emissions and better air quality overall.

What does this mean for the average homeowner? For one thing, going solar now instead of waiting means taking immediate advantage of energy savings. Return on investment starts as soon as solar panels are installed and are operational. In Connecticut, for example, homeowners typically save more than a thousand dollars a year on their electricity bill once they go solar. That doesn’t even count state and federal tax credits and discounts, which offset the cost of the solar energy system. Some states and utility companies also offer rebates to further incentivize homeowners and/or allow surplus energy generated to be sold back to the utility company. Having a solar energy system can also increase property value.

Commercial businesses benefit too, as they’re eligible for federal tax credits and state incentives, including sales tax waivers in some states. Besides decreasing monthly energy costs, businesses that use clean energy show consumers that they care about the climate crisis and are willing to do their part to shrink their carbon footprint. It’s a competitive advantage that sets the business apart in a crowded marketplace.
Favorable government programs, the push for clean, renewable energy, and attractive cost savings make the future of solar look very bright. Why not explore your options now while prices for solar panels are still reasonable? We all know that electricity rates are sure to rise again next year. Get your quote today, and find out how much you’ll save.
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