Press Release (August 19th, 2024 - Middlebury, CT)
Connecticut residents are once again facing higher electricity bills, with the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) recently approving rate increases for both Eversource and United Illuminating. This latest hike, effective from September 1, 2024, through April 30, 2025, is expected to add an additional fee per month for typical residential customers using 700 kWh per month. The utilities argue that these increases are necessary to cover the costs of electric vehicle charging stations installed across the state and to support Connecticut’s transition to clean energy.

For many Connecticut residents, the monthly electric bill has become a significant burden. Take, for example, a typical $350 electric bill. Here’s how that amount breaks down:
- 40% ($140) goes towards the cost of electricity under the standard service. This is the base cost of the electricity you use in your home.
- 13% ($45.50) is allocated for transmission costs, which cover the maintenance of high-voltage towers and power lines that transmit electricity across long distances.
- 30% ($105) is for local delivery, covering Eversource’s costs to build, maintain, and repair the poles and wires that deliver power directly to your home.
- 18% ($63) represents public benefits, which fund various energy programs, including energy efficiency initiatives, renewable energy projects, and assistance for those struggling to pay their power bills.
This breakdown highlights the complexity of the charges on your electric bill, with a significant portion going to maintaining and supporting the infrastructure that delivers electricity to your home, as well as funding public energy programs.
Much of the frustration from Connecticut residents stems from these public benefits payments, which also include costs related to the nearly $800 million needed to keep the Millstone nuclear power plant running and to recoup expenses from the nearly four-year moratorium on power shutoffs during the pandemic. Eversource had previously warned PURA that setting rates too low would result in a substantial increase once the inevitable rate adjustments were made.
While it’s understandable that many are upset by these increases, it’s crucial to recognize that simply expressing frustration won’t change the reality of rising energy costs. Instead, Connecticut homeowners should consider taking proactive steps to manage their energy consumption and reduce their reliance on traditional utilities. One effective way to do this is by exploring alternative energy sources, such as installing solar panels.
iSP Launches Task Force to Assist Connecticut Residents
In response to the rapidly climbing electric rates and growing demand for solar power, iSP has announced the launch of a dedicated task force to assist Connecticut residents. This task force, consisting of eight internal energy consultants along with Tom Labbe, Executive Sales Director, is designed to expedite the solar quoting process. By streamlining operations, iSP aims to cut the normal quoting time in half, ensuring that all inquiries about solar energy are handled as quickly as possible. This initiative reflects iSP’s commitment to helping residents navigate the challenges of rising energy costs and to providing timely solutions that empower homeowners to take control of their energy future.
"With electric rates continuing to rise, it's more important than ever for Connecticut homeowners to explore alternative energy options like solar power," said Bill Barrieau, CEO of iSP. "This task force will allow us to meet the increasing demand for solar information and provide our customers with the solutions they need as quickly as possible."
Net Metering: A Solar Advantage
In addition to lowering your electric bill, going solar offers the added benefit of net metering. This program allows homeowners with solar panels to receive credit from the utility company for any excess energy they produce. In some cases, homeowners have even received negative energy bills, meaning the utility pays them for the surplus energy. These credits can be used to offset energy costs during months when solar production is lower than usage, further reducing overall energy expenses and enhancing the financial benefits of going solar.

The ongoing rate increases have also sparked debate among lawmakers about how best to manage these costs. Some have proposed using the state’s surplus to help cover the public benefits, including the costs associated with the COVID moratorium and the electric vehicle program. Others argue that keeping these expenses within the electric bill ensures that they are paid based on energy usage rather than through taxes.
Despite the differing opinions, the key takeaway for residents is that action is required. By exploring options like solar energy and staying informed about the changes in your electric bill, you can mitigate the impact of these rate hikes and take control of your energy future.
In conclusion, while the rising electricity costs in Connecticut are a significant concern, it’s essential to approach the issue with a proactive mindset. Homeowners have the power to explore alternative energy sources like solar panels, which not only reduce reliance on the grid but also offer long-term financial and environmental benefits. With the support of iSP’s new task force, obtaining a solar quote has never been easier or faster. By focusing on solutions rather than frustrations, you can turn a challenging situation into an opportunity for greater energy independence and savings.