The huge rate hikes from Eversource and United Illuminating that took effect for Connecticut residents last month are motivating homeowners to install solar energy systems.
Eyewitness News Channel 3 recently interviewed Bill Barrieau, owner of Ion Solar Pros, and a Connecticut resident who’s fed up with her high electricity bills and has decided to switch to solar. And she’s not alone. The solar business is booming as more and more homeowners decide enough is enough.

“The three main factors contributing to the industry’s growth and demand are predictability, control, and savings,” stated Bill Barrieau.
In fact, the higher your electric bill is now, the more you’ll save with solar. These are the factors to consider:
· Roof space
· Roof incline
· Enough panels to cover your power needs
So how do you afford a solar energy system, which could cost in the range of $20K if bought outright? State and federal state incentives are available to homeowners that buy their systems, but homeowners can also rent their solar panels from most solar companies, or lease them through a third party. Another option is a power purchase agreement in which the homeowner purchases the system’s electric output from the solar provider for a pre-determined amount.
Even renting a system can save homeowners an estimated $1,400/year on their electricity bills. Owning the system can mean paying zero for your electric bill. Watch the Channel 3 News video here.
Ready to take control of your utility costs? Call Ion Solar Pros today at 866-582-0000.