As if inflation and high gas and grocery prices aren’t hurting your wallet enough in Connecticut, the planned increase in utility costs is going to take an even bigger bite of your monthly budget. Beginning in January 2022, Eversource customers will see an average price hike of $31 per month, an increase of 21 percent. This estimate is based on a customer who uses 700 kilowatts per month, but will vary depending on how much energy you use, weather conditions, and other variables. If you check your last electric bill, you’ll see the number of kilowatt hours you used to get an idea of how much extra you’ll be paying.

If your utility provider is United Illuminating, you’ll see an average increase of $18.34 per month, a jump of 10.4 percent. That’s more than $220 per year for UI customers and a whopping $372 per year for Eversource customers. According to the Office of Consumer Counsel, the supply rate that utility customers pay changes twice a year, on January 1 and July 1. Natural gas customers could see a 10 to 20 percent increase in their electric bills, and heating oil customers may be whacked with up to a 40 percent increase in heating oil bills above last year.

Connecticut already has the most expensive electricity rates in the lower 48 states. Regardless of current supply chain issues, these rates will never go down, but are more likely to keep ballooning year after year, taking a greater chunk of your income. If there’s ever a time to consider going solar and reducing your energy bills, it’s now. You’ll still be eligible for federal tax incentives too.
Contact Ion Solar Pros at 866-582-0000 for a free consultation and estimate of your energy savings…and kick those high electric bills to the curb!
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